Stuff I need for easy smoothies

Bananas – freeze because otherwise they tend to spoil before I use them

Oranges&apples – cheap, keep for a long time

Carrots – I always have some to use up

Greens – I never really use those up so I guess I could start freezing those also instead of always feeding them to my piggies.

The Food Problem

Lately I’ve been pretty stressed out. My stepdad passed away in December and ever since, things have been very difficult – my mom is not doing so well, my neighbourhood has been growing (which also means more noise and I’m terrible noise sensitive), I’ve suddenly turned into a 24h dog sitter and I’m trying to found my own business – I have a plan, but more on that later… Anyway, I’ve been eating shitty food for about half a year. I used to have a green smoothie a day and I’m a lifelong vegetarian – always attempting to eat as little dairy as possible. I always used to be super health conscious. But I’m also a foodie and I love eating (preferably yummy = unhealthy stuff). On top of everything, I used to have a stomach sensitivity problem – that I managed to get rid of with dieting and alternate health practicioners. Anyway it’s gone now and I can eat everything, but for a really long time (like 2 years) I could eat fewer and fewer things, starting with weath, until I was eventually living on rice and steamed carrots. But after being on a diet for such a long time, I really developed a hunger for all the things I couldn’t have, and so I’ve been eating shitty food for the past half year. Lots of coffee, cheese, sweet baked things, pasta. Not planning to skip the pasta (yum), but I really gotta lose some weight – like 2-3 kilos would be awesome (I know, I know; and yes, I’m still fairly slim, but I HAVE grown out of all of my pants – those 2-3 kilos come down to 1-2 clothing sizes. So it’s either buy new pants, or lose weight. Losing weight is cheaper.)

What would REALLY like to do is make a meal plan – also because I looove planning, especially when it involves food (foooood… *zombie hands*), but it’s kind of tricky because my life is kind of unpredictable right now. A lot of the time, things come up and I have to leave and then I end up eating at my mom’s place. Or I end up coming home ravenous and just stuffing myself with whatever is on hand quickly. The other thing is that my mom gives me a lot of leftovers (usually stuff like various veggies already past their prime) and since I hate nothing more than throwing away food (or spending on money on food I’ll end up throwing away because I can’t eat it before it spoils!), I usually end up trying to use up a PILE of groceries that are a) close to spoiling and b) usually not what I would have chosen to buy. So I end up having to change my plans and make a lot of food compromises all the time throughout the week. Because if I have a bunch of bell peppers and onion and corn that need to be used up, what I usually end up doing… is I make pizza. Because that is the only thing I can think of with those ingredients that I really want to eat. Maybe normally I would have made cabbage rolls or something, but if I don’t eat the bell peppers and so on they’ll spoil. So it needs to be something super yummy to tempt me away from what I really wanted that day.

That puts me into a bit of a tough spot… Not sure what do about it yet. 😦

I think it may just be a question of applying myself a bit more seriously. I gotta get back on the train. I think I’ll start by going back to my smoothies, which I always was toootally addicted to and I really don’t like the coffee that much anymore… Maybe I can freeze fruit to make it easier. Let’s try that one first. Then I’ll try the next step.

What your horoscope says about your gambling luck

As you may remember my primary occupation at the moment is as an astrologer. But I’m not a “normal” astrologer – I practice vedic astrology, or as it’s actually called, Jyotish. This is a very old technique from India. I used to work with your bread-and-butter kind of western astrology previously when I stumbled over vedic astrology completely by accident and was immediately intrigued by the fact that in vedic astrology, most people have different ascendants, providing another opportunity for potentially improving my own pretty dismal astrological chart. So I checked it out, and I liked the fact that I had a Scorpio Sun in vedic astrology, but I had two planets in the 6th house (for those non-astrology-buffs out there: that’s not good), so of course I decided it was total bullshit and western astrology was waay above that antiquated, tribal nonsense. Then I read a few more articles on vedic astrology and made a few calculations and it took me about a month until I was ready to admit: this shit works. And it works way better than the western kind I used to practice. And those two planets in the 6th are totally accurate.

So that’s how I became a vedic astrologer, in a nutshell. And I still think Jyotish is totally nifty, because it gives you a lot of predictive options that don’t exist in western astrology. Really, the biggest problem with Jyotish is that it is sometimes too accurate, so you learn of all sort of life events you would rather not have known about in advance! Anyway, there’s one really cool trick you can do with jyotish, and that is assessing the gambling luck of a person. This is really good for me, because I’ve been doing a fair bit of gambling lately, which is not usually a habit of mine (believe it or not). But I would not recommend my method of gambling for lottery ticket money to just anyone. That’s because yes, some people simply are luckier than others. (It’s a karmic thing.) So what if you have your vedic chart and you want to figure out whether gambling is a kinda bad idea for you, or a very, very bad idea?

1. The all-important 5th house

Someone who will be lucky in gambling will absolutely need a strong 5th house. The 5th house stands for gambling, fun, romance, politics, speculation and easy gains. So this is non-negotiable. If you have a weak house, forget it. Don’t gamble – you’ll lose.

Signs of a strong 5th house:

– the ruler of the 5th house in the 5th house (e.g. if your 5th is in the sign of Scorpio, then Mars (who rules Scorpio – jyotish doesn’t use the outer planets) would have to be in the 5th house.

– an exalted or mulatrikona planet in the 5th house (for example, Jupiter in Pisces would be exalted)

– the ruler of the 5th house in his own sign, exalted or mulatrikona (e.g. if the 5th house is in Virgo, then look at the ruler of Virgo, which is Mercury. If Mercury is in either the sign of Virgo or Gemini, he will be exalted or in his own sign, which makes Mercury strong, which makes the 5th house strong); However, weak planets in the 5th will alter this prognosis; if the ruler of the 5th is in a bad house, this will also alter the prognosis

– a strong 5th house ruler in houses 8, 9, 11 (8=sudden windfalls, 9=good luck, 11=gains)

– a ruler of a good house (8,9,11) in the 5th (e.g. if in your chart the 9th house is in Libra, then the ruler of the 9th is Venus; if Venus is not weak, and she enters the 5th house, that is good)

If you have these placements and no contradicting other placements, you can gamble with some success.


Signs of a weak 5th house:

– a weak planet in the 5th house (e.g. if the planet is in a sign of an enemy or in his fallen sign, for example Moon in Scorpio)

– the ruler of the 5th house in a weak sign (e.g. if the 5th is in Pisces, the ruler of the 5th will be Jupiter. If Jupiter is in, say, Virgo or Libra, he will be weak and make the 5th house weak in turn)

– the ruler of the 5th in a bad house, e.g. 4,6,12 (4=the 12th house from the 5th =dissolution of luck; 6 =poverty; 12=dissolution of winnings; if the 5th house is ruled by Taurus, and Venus is in one of these houses, that’s not good)

– a ruler of a bad house in the 5th, e.g. 4,6,12 (if the 4th house is in Aries, and Mars is in the 5th… not good for gambling).

If you more than 1 of these placements, you should probably not gamble, because you are not karmically allowed to win money at gambling.


Personally, I’m lucky – my 5th house is in Libra, and I have Venus in the 5th. That’s a strong money planet in its own house of gambling. However, my Venus also rules the 12th house, bringing an energy of dissolution into the 5th. The thing is, my 12th house is in itself pretty materialistic – it has exalted Moon and a weakish Jupiter in Taurus, so that probably balanced things out a bit – the result is that winnings are possible, it’s just that I’ll probably just spend them! Which is pretty much what I’m doing, since I’m gambling to make money to spend on lottery tickets, LOL. So that’s vedic astrology for ya!

If you want to figure out whether you have a weak or strong 5th, I recommend downloading the free astrology software Jagannatha Hora, which you can find by googling, and simply entering your birth data. It is a little confusing at first since there are no house numbers, zodiac signs or aspects in the chart graphic, but you can check the handy table on the right for your placements until you figure the graph out (which is pretty easy, really). Soo… have fun gambling (or not)!

The Tyranny of Passion

It’s pretty easy to sum up this post in a few words: I think the whole “follow your passion” premise is bullshit. Plain and simple. What’s the problem with it? Well, the problem is, it simply doesn’t work. As you know, I kind of work a little with manifestation, but I’m not your typical kind of spiritual esoteric hippie manifestation person either. I believe in manifestation with a plan. In my experience, that’s the only way it works. You can’t just “think positive and really see it” and it’ll appear – in fact, in my experience, that’s the least important part! But you need to approach manifestation on two levels: An inner, spiritual level; and an outer, “having-an-actual-plan” level. Then once you execute the plan, your manifestation will appear. But you need a tangible plan, otherwise, the “universe” won’t know how to deliver your wish to you! Delivering success to a business that is already being built and going is much easier than dropping a bag of money from the sky on your head. The first one works WITH the current system – the laws of physics, economics and our beliefs of how life works. The latter one goes totally against all of these. NO WONDER IT’S NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TO MANIFEST ANYTHING WITHOUT A PLAN – and that plan needs to be actually put into action! THEN you can manifest anything you want.

But what’s passion got to do with it? Well, the whole “follow your passion” idea is really nothing but barely concealed advice to manifest by thinking positive – without having a plan! And you gotta be a bit realistic about this. If your passion is to be a singer, you’ll be up against millions of other people, all of who may enter the game with better prerequisites, such as better voice, industry contacts etc. Now, if even 10% of these people have an actual, workable plan – you’ll still be up against a shitload of people. The universe is bound by certain limits. There are simply too many people competing in certain fields to guarantee success to everybody with a plan. Only those with the best plans, the best prerequisites, the longest endurance etc will end up winning the game. Therefore, unfortunately, it is plainly impossible for most people who “follow their passion” to succeed – because passions usually fall into some very popular category of activity. I should know, because I’ve tried it in my chosen field (writing) – and failed spectacularly. Too much competition. That doesn’t mean that you’re not going to be among the lucky few who do succeed – just that it’s going to be “almost-impossible-for-everyone-except-a-chosen-few-who-sleep-with-an-editor-at-Penguin”-hard.

So advising people to just follow their passion when SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING THE SAME THINGS – is just irresponsible! Look peeps. Nobody is saying you can’t be a person who does youtube videos playing video games with your toes. But for goodness sake, have a backup plan. That plan should be something that is decidedly NOT your passion. What is should be is something you’re good at – and not just your general skills, but also your personality and attitude. For example, I am really good with people. Really good. I know I come across as a little grumpy most of the time, and I am; But if I really want to, I’ll make you love me, and you won’t even know what hit you. Problem? I essentially hate people. Actually, that’s not true – I like people fine, I just can’t deal with them for extended periods of time. Like, two days in a row. I’m a super introvert, and I get people overload really quickly. So while I have the skills to excel at a people-oriented profession like counseling or astrology or whatever – I do not have the mental stamina to stick to it, because I’ll just get emotionally drained before I can accomplish anything!

Same thing for any other plan. Great writer, but hate sitting down every day? Fageddaboutit. Love programming, but never want to share your products? Prolly not a good idea. Don’t get into marketing if you hate marketing. The good thing is, today, there are a lot of business functions you can outsource to a third party – you pay a small sum, and they take care of the whole thing, and you never have to think about it again. But if it’s a key function of your business that you’re really bad at or that you really hate – you should probably keep looking.

So, follow your passion – and make a backup plan that is more likely to succeed. Make it a good plan. Make it something you CAN actually do. Then keep manifesting for both goals and keep taking one step at a time. You’ll get there. But don’t let some anonymous advisor on the internet who has no livelihood at stake tell you to blindly rush into an adventure you may never recover from. Life is short, and while there are always second chances, they’re almost always better avoided. Don’t play it stupid. Keep your goals realistic.

And when you get to the point where you’re making money in your sleep – you can still follow your passion.

Lottery 3

Soo, as promised, I kept drawing up horary charts every day and in an attempt to figure out a good day to play the lotter. Today, I got a pretty promising one – and the jackpot is very high, too, so I decided to buy another ticket, despite the fact that I’ve already bought two for the same drawing. So I needed more funds to pay for my ticket, and to do that, I went and played roulette for a while until I made around 8,-. That paid for the ticket, which was I think 3,60, and it’ll cover another one when I get another good horary chart.

So today I thought I’d cover the method I use to make my gambling money. It’s called a martingale system. The concept is fairly simple: I always bet on the same color (red in my case), and every time I lose, I double my bet, which means the next time I win a bet, I’ll recover my loss. Sounds foolproof, right? It’s actually pretty risky, because once you do the math, you’ll see that the bets increase very fast when you keep doubling them. Personally, I always bet the smallest sum possible, which is 20 cents. Let’s see how long this works…

1 loss…0,20

2 losses…0,40

3 losses…0,80

4 losses…1,60

5 losses…3,20

6 losses…6,40

7 losses…12,80

8 losses…25,60

9 losses…51,20

10 losses…102,40

As you can see, the amounts keep doubling pretty quickly. Wait – don’t say anything. I hear you asking: Wait – but what if I have a really big amount of money to invest? Couldn’t I simply keep on betting until I win again?

Well – no. Because casino games usually have a maximum bet. And once you run into that, you can’t increase your bet anymore, effectively ruining the system. The website I play at has a limit of 100,- for roulette, which means I can take 10 losses until I have a problem. Once that streak occurs – you’ve essentially lost those 100,-. And these streaks do occur. I’ve been pretty lucky so far – the highest one I’ve run into so far was 6 losses in a row – actually, I’ve had two, but the first time I decided not to risk anymore and went back to betting 20,- to rebuild my losses. But the longer I play, the more likely it is that I will eventually run into a long streak that will break my maths. It does remain risky – the only way I’m willing to do it is by saying okay, if I run into a longer streak that is not covered by my previous winnings, I go back to the start. But it’s not always possible to play it like that, so losses are still possible.

The chances of running into that maths-breaking long losing streak increase the longer you play, which is why I only aim to win small amounts whenever I want to use them to buy lottery tickets. If I did this every day, I would run substantial risk of encountering that big, 10+ streak… which would instantly cost me my winnings, and potentially more.

In order words, this is still risky business. I do it by sticking to the system religiously, and by sticking to my limit religiously. I have a limit I’m trying to make – and once I reach that, I stop. No arguing. Sometimes it’s very tempting to just keep going a little longer – after all, it’s been going perfectly well, what’s the harm? But the harm is in the repetition. The longer you keep going, the riskier it becomes. The maximum that I can lose is 100,- with this system (although I don’t think I’d go that far – I would always want my previous winnings to cover my losses, so the more I win, the more I can risk. But yeah, a bad streak can always set you back to zero, and whether this strategy pays over the long run is still questionable.)


In order to analyze the risk a little better over the long run, I will keep track of my winnings here. So, so far…

Winnings: 18,- (incl. Losses)

Losses: 3,60

Lottery 2

I added a new element to my plan – every day, I will draw up a horary chart asking whether I will win if I play today before considering gambling that day. Yesterday I had a clear “no” for an answer – interestingly when I checked if I had won today, I realized I hadn’t finalized the payment and had not entered in the draw. Hm. I ended up buying 1 tip today because today’s chart said something like “kinda maybe”, just to see what the result will be. Since I’m still gambling with money I won, it won’t hurt. 🙂

Lottery 1

I immediately put my plan into action. My research: The only game that really has a higher chance of winning is poker, if you’re good. Otherwise, they’re all equally crappy (surprise). However, the “fairest” game is supposed to be anything that takes (near) 50:50 bets, ie red or black on roulette. So I decided trying a simple martingale system to make the 3,70 I had for a bonus on my online lottery website to try and make enough money to buy a lottery ticket. My prefered ticket is 3 games of EuroMillionen for 8,60. So I needed to make around 10,-.

My first attempt failed – barely, because I got scared and stopped after failing a 3,20 bet. I lost 3,-. So then I transfered 20,- to my account and started again. This time, I gained 10. So all in all, I made 7. That’s enough for me, so I’ll go buy my ticket now.

More research has shown that it really doesn’t matter what numbers you play or how you choose them.

I settled on two tips + 1 joker for 5,30 which is within my winnings from today. 🙂 Free lottery tickets! The drawing is tomorrow night. Wish me luck. 🙂 My plan is to win as much money as possible from lottery games until the end of this year, 2015!

Why It’s Nearly Impossible To Manifest A Lottery Jackpot – And Why I’m Going To Try Anyway

After recently discovering the secret to how to really manifest something (*ahem* not that I’m bragging or anything), I did some thinking about what I would need to do to manifest my event Nr. 1 (and probably most everybody elses) – a lottery jackpot. And in thinking about it, it became quickly pretty apparent that it wasn’t going to be such an easy task. There is problem with manifesting a lottery jackpot – it is not readily applicable to my tested and proven plan to manifesting stuff.

The plan goes like this: Define and speak out loud what you are going to manifest. Make a plan how to get it and start. Be sort of optimistic about it. Keep going with the plan until you get what you want.

So what’s the problem? Step 1 of saying and defining what you want is easy enough – you can easily tell everybody under the sun that you intend to win 5 million dollars in the lottery. But that’s all that’s easy about the process. Because what kind of plan are you going to make to help you win the lottery? The plan essentially only has one step: Buy a lottery ticket. That’s it. There is no opportunity to see the plan through beyond the first step, and usually, big manifestations (like, oh, a 5 million $ win) require not only taking the first step of a plan, but actually seeing the plan through. You can’t do that with a lottery win! There cannot be a plan, because the entire process consists of only one step! There is simply not enough opportunity to “stick” to the goal.

So of course, I’m going to try it anyway! Yay! Because although I’m not entirely convinced this can be used to actually win a huge jackpot, I DO want to see if it improves my odds at winning at all. So I’m going to set a goal and then come up with a “plan” that I can see through in order to come up with a lottery winning process that is usually absent.


By the end of this year 2015, I will win as much money in lottery and chance games as possible!

My plan to achieve this is the following: I will go online and research the lottery games with the best winning odds and the best ways to improve your chances at these. I will then make a list of priority games for each month. Each month, I will invest 10 Euro in those games where I think the odds:reward ratio is the most advantageous. I will not invest any of my own money beyond those 10 Euro. However, I will reinvest parts of my winnings when I see particularly good opportunities. I will also keep an eye on my astrological transits and constellations to concentrate my gaming efforts during those times that are astrologically advantageous.

And now I will immediately start executing my plan by doing some research on which games to play so I can go and bet my monthly budget tonight! See you when I’m filthy rich. 😀

Why Astrology Is Not A Good Way To Make Money

Since I currently work as an astrologer, I find that a lot of my clients are interested in working as astrologers themselves. I never want to discourage such plans but… in my experience, there’s easier ways to earn money. Now you may be thinking, wait a sec, isn’t it kind of a good deal though – you get to make your own schedule, work on something really interesting, meet a ton of different people… and you would be right. I still argue that being an astrologer is not a great job, and here’s why.

Problems all day

There are essentially two kinds of people who go to see an astrologer – people who’ve been given a horoscope as a gift by somebody else. And people with problems.

See, nobody spends the often big bucks needed on astrological counseling if they don’t have some kind of pressing issue, and oftentimes it’s been pressing for a long time. I see a lot of desperate people, a lot of traumatized people. I have yet to see a chart in real life that indicated a happy childhood. And around 90% of my customers have a prominent 6-12 axis in their charts, which indicates a multitude of problems in their lifes. About 30% of them have never been in a relationship at all, another 30% are in a relationship that is unhappy or downright abusive, and another 30% are divorced and unhappily single. Happy singles and couples? Yeah, I had one. Within the last year.

Every chart I see includes a lot of wonderful potential – I see kind charts, loving charts, creative charts, imaginative charts, nurturing charts. Almost none of them are using their gifts to their full capability. Almost all of them are stuck somewhere in their lives. I get to talk about the positives, and that’s great; but then I have to spend most of time I work on the chart going into all these details about the more problematic angles, because obviously, that is what people ask me about. I sometimes have to disappoint people. Sometimes, my answers are hurtful. I get to know a lot of things I rather wouldn’t know about, in my own life and the lives of others. What do you do when a battered woman who just left her little piece of shit of an ex and is trying to get into another relationship – and all you see is the same pattern repeated over and over? What do you do when someone asks you if they will achieve their life’s dream to get into art school – and you have to tell them it probably won’t happen and you see their face drop? It’s a lot of responsibility. If you choose your words wrong, you may discourage someone to pursue their goals, even though you may be totally mistaken.You might have the wrong birthtime. There might have been a translation mistake in some 2000 year old text that causes you to give a false interpretation. You may simply be a fallible human being having a bad day. Yet once you slap that label “astrologer” onto you, people give you instant credibility to make judgements and decisions for them based on what is essentially a little piece of paper with a few scriggles and planetary symbols on it. You get a lot of vulnerable people, people who can easily be used and led astray or manipulated should I choose so – and I’m sure there are plenty of people who do in the spiritual industry. It’s dishonest. It’s shady. I get people asking me for anything from what ideal hobby they should pursue to what cancer treatment they should go for. It’s kind of insane. I am not a psychic. I am not some kind of sage or prophet or whatever. I’m just a gal who knows a thing or two about planetary movements. I wish people would not base such great hopes on me and not rely so much on what I think about them based on their birth date. But this is the way it is, and as long as it is this way… I think astrology is a shitty way to make money and I would not recommend it to anyone, unless you’re trying to exploit people. Then by all means, go for it.